
Public art:時光流,記憶體-好時光藝術節 / Time and Memory-Good Time Public Art project

國立台灣博物館/ National Taiwan Museum

As the theme of the public art project of National Taiwan Museum, “Good Time” inspired me to find a re-thinking point of view of history. So my idea was mainly from several clues, including “Function Color” series, which combine the abstract geometry (concentric circles) and the urban scene as the conflict arising from reorganization of the visual vocabulary of feeling. And I interpret the sense of this conflict as the beginning of a new link. This new link is between figuration and abstraction, or between time and space. I made the historic buildings as the interface of projection, because the most fascinating part is that it doesn’t belong to the present time but gracefully locates on the street. In short, I try to make an historical imagination through this work. And so-called history doesn’t only refer to words, it includes graphics, images, architecture, clothing, implements, music’s…ect. These visual signs just like the teleports for changing into different time and space. We will start our imaginative journey once we see  them.

活動:2010好時光城市藝術節/ 2010 Good-Time Public Art Festival 
主辦:國立台灣博物館/ National Taiwan Museum
承辦:麻力國際文化試驗所/ VERY Conception Corporation
藝術家團隊:陳怡潔+鬧台妄想教室/ Agi Chen & Nautai Delusional Studio

