



2011 神戶雙年展-貨櫃藝術競賽獲獎,神戶,日本
2011 普吉島藝術駐村計畫Vol. 13, 大阪市立大學都市研究廣場,泰國
2010 國家藝文基金會創作獎助
2009 台北市文化局藝文展覽獎助
2007 台灣與英國國際藝術家駐村獎助,Loughborough University,英國
2007 國家藝文基金會展覽獎助
2006 世安美學獎,世安美學基金會,台北
2005 國家藝文基金會展覽獎助
2005 台北美術獎首獎,台北美術館,台北
2005 亞洲文化協會駐村交流計畫,Arcus 藝術村,日本

2010 《關鍵影格》,白兔美術館,雪梨
2011 《花毛泡的星期三》,鳳甲美術館,台北
2010 《再造物語》,國立台灣美術館,台中
2008 《趨光體》,國立台灣美術館,台中
2006 《超能救世主》,國立台灣美術館,台中

2010 《指間的詩緒》,台北縣政府,台北
2010 《時光流,記憶體》,國立台灣博物館,台北
2010 《雲影鎏光》,新港藝術高中,嘉義

2010 《關鍵影格》,布當代藝術空間 ,台北
2009 《集體共遊》,非畫廊,台北
2009 《再造物語》,伊通公園,台北
2008 《陳怡潔個展》,泰郁美學堂,嘉義
2007 《訊息人》,伊通公園,台北
2007 《疏遠的逼視》,新竹教育大學藝術空間,新竹
2006 》,關渡美術館,台北
2006 《函數色彩》,文賢油漆工程行,台南

2012 2012關渡雙年展》,關渡美術館,台北
2012 《首屆CAFAM未來展》,中央美院美術館,北京
2011 《旁觀者-何采柔X陳怡潔雙人展》,非畫廊,台北
2011 KIRA》,神雙年展,神,日本
2011 《二十一個房間》,白南準藝術中心,韓國
2010 《後青春》,國立台灣美術館,台中
2010 《台灣藝術新世代》,上海美術館,上海 ; 今日美術館,北京
2009 《急凍醫世代_2009 醫療與科技藝術國際展 》,國立台灣美術館,台中
2009 《激情心靈—十七位台、日新世代藝術家錄像展》,台北美術館,台北
2008 《小碎花不—變亂新世代》,台北當代藝術館,台北
2008 《家_2008 台灣美術雙年展》,國立台灣美術館,台中
2008 ART IS NOW_2008 釜山雙年展》,釜山
2008 The Light Enters You》, ISSEY MIYAKE 台中大店,台中
2008 尋找馬緯度—圓轉中的相對靜止》,MOT ARTS,台北
2008 泡沫紅茶:台灣藝術.當代演繹》,捷克國立摩拉維亞美術館,捷克
2007 《移動-台灣當代壹拾伍人行》,大未來畫廊,北京
2007 Frolic: Humor and Mischief in New Taiwanese Art》,2x13 畫廊,紐約
2007 《粉樂町II 》,富邦藝術基金會,台北
2007 《迷離島─台灣當代藝術現象展》華盛頓藝術科學宮、溫哥華當代亞洲藝術國際中心,國
2006 ICON》,索卡當代空間,北京
2005 《膜中魔》,台北當代藝術館,台北
2005 See.戲教育特展》,國立台灣美術館,台中

Agi, Chen Yi – Chieh

Born in Taoyuan, Taiwan (1980). Based in Taipei and studying the “Doctoral Program in  Art Creation and Theory” in Tainan National University of the Arts, Tainan, Taiwan

2011  Art in a Container International Competition”, Prize Winner, Kobe Biennale, Kobe, Japan
2011 Artist in Residency program in Phuket. Vol.13, Osaka City University Urban
Research Plaza, Tailand
2010 NCAF grant for visual art
2009 Grants for professional art, The Taipei City Department of Cultural Affairs.
2007 NCAF grant for visual art
2007 Taiwan-England artists’ residency program 2007, Loughborough University, UK
2006 SAn Arts award, SAn Culture Foundation, Taipei
2005 NCAF grant for visual art, Taipei
2005 ACC Residency Program in Asia, Arcus Studio, Japan
2005 Taipei Arts Award, Prize winner, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei

2012 The Key Frames, White Rabbit Gallery, Taipei
2011 The Wednesday of Hau Mau Pau, Hong Gah Museum, Taipei
2010 The Reproduction- Male and Female, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts,
2008 Phototaxis-KTV, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2006 Heroic Colors, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung

2011 Poetry On Fingers,  New Taipei City Hall, New Taipei City
2010 Cloudy Shadow, Gilt Light, National Singang Senior High School of Arts, Chayi
2010 Time Fluid, Memory Clumps, National Taiwan Museum, Taipei

2010 The Key Frames, Butchart National Contemporary Art Space, Taipei
2009 Collective Peregrination, Non Gallery, Taipei
2009 Reproduction, IT-Park, Taipei
2007 Agi CHEN Solo Exhibition, Tai Yu Arts Salon, Chia Yi
2007 Messenger, IT PARK, Taipei
2007 Distantly Gazing, ,NHCUE ARTIST SPACE, Hsinchu
2006 Watering, Kuandu Museum of Fine Arts, Taipei
2006 Function Color, Paint-House, Tainan

2012  2012 Guandu Biennale, Guandu Museum of Fine Art, Taipei
2012  CAFAM · Future, CAFAM Art Museum, Beijing
2011  SpectatorsJoyce Ho and Agi Chen, Non Gallery, Taipei
2011 Kira, 2011KOBE Biennale, Kobe, Japan
2011 21Rooms, Nam June Paik Art Center, Gyeong-Gi, Korea
2010 Post-Adolescence, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung
2010 New Generation of Art in Taiwan, MOCA Shanghai, Shanghai
2009 Freeze!_2009 International MEDTECH Art Show, National Taiwan Museum of Fine
Arts, Taichung
2009 Mind as Passion, Taipei Fine Arts Museum, Taipei
2008 SuperGeneration@Taiwan, MOCA Taipei, Taipei
2008 Home_Taiwan Biennale 2008, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung,
2008 Art is Now_Busan Biennale 2008, Exhibition Hall of Busan, Busan
2008 The Light Enters You– Taiwan Given * Y.T.A, Taichung ISSEY MIYAKE
BOUTIGUE, Taichung
2008 Bubble Tea: Art of Taiwan and its Contemporary Mutations, The Moravian
Gallery in Brno, Czech Republic, Czech
2007 City to city, Ling&Ken Gallery, Beijin, Taipei
2007 Forlic: Humor and Mischief in New Taiwanese Art, 2x13 Gallery, New York
2007 Very Fun Park: Contemporary Art from Taiwan, Fubon Art Foundation, Taipei
2007 Taiwan: From within the Mist, Vancouver International Centre for Contemporary
Asian Art
2006 ICON, SOKA Contemporary Space, Beijing
2005 Membrane onto Magic, Museum of Contemporary Art, Taipei
2005 SeePlay, National Taiwan Museum of Fine Arts, Taichung

